Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic patients are highly susceptible to eye diseases that affect the retina and can lead to loss of vision or complete blindness. This mainly happens due to the high levels of glucose in the blood. We, at Vision Care, provide Retina Vitreous services that can help you get back your vision.

Retinopathy is one of the common forms of eye disease among diabetic patients. It mainly affects a person who has had diabetes for a notable time. Constant high glucose levels in the blood of diabetes patients result in the damage of the blood vessels present in the retina, which could be a cause of diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy normally affects all diabetics. If left untreated, retinopathy can become dangerous and increases the chance of blindness. Prolonged abnormal levels of blood pressure among diabetics also increase the vulnerability of developing retinopathy. Also, the possibility of developing retinopathy in diabetic patients increases with age.

The retina is a very crucial element of your eye. It helps in vision by detecting light reflected from an object. It further converts light into signals and sends it to the brain through the optical nerve. The brain processes the signals, thus, helping us identify the visual.

This eye disease can cause the blood veins inside the retina to bleed or leak fluid, thus, distorting eyesight. In the most advanced stages, the newly formed irregular blood vessels on the retina, increase in quantity. This leads to cell loss and scars on the retina.

The initial stages of this disease have no symptoms. The symptoms show only when the disease is in its advanced stages. That's why all people suffering from diabetes should get a detailed eye examination done every year, especially to check for retinopathy.

Vision Care is proud to offer state-of-the-art retina services. With the help of cutting edge technology, we provide care for diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinal vascular disease, retinal detachment, and all other retinal problems. We have a team of physicians who provide treatment in a very caring and compassionate atmosphere. Retinal treatments offered are as follows:

1.Green Laser photocoagulation

Laser photocoagulation is used to treat retinal problems of patients with diabetes, called diabetic retinopathy, a major cause of severe vision loss because of high blood sugar.


Vitrectomy is a surgical procedure where the vitreous humour gel that swells the eye cavity is removed to provide better access to the retina. It allows for a variety of repairs, including the removal of scar tissue, laser repair of retinal detachments and treatment of macular holes. This surgery is undertaken by a retina specialist skilled to perform vitreoretinal surgeries.

The retina is a layer at the back of the eyeball containing cells that are sensitive to light and that trigger nerve impulses that pass via the optic nerve to the brain, where a visual image is formed. A Retina Specialist is a highly trained medical professional who specializes in the treatment of conditions and diseases affecting the retina. With the care of a Retina Specialist, it is possible to save vision and restore sight to those suffering from retinal conditions.

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